Page 220 - Mart 2019
P. 220


                  TıbbiCE Conducted More Than 300 Medical Device Certification
                  Processes of Over 100 Medical Device Manufacturers in 8 Years

                    TıbbiCE  Consultancy  Training  and  Validati-  would like to remind our manufacturers that a CE
                  on Services, which provides medical device cer-  certificate to be taken in 2019 will be valid for 5
                  tification  and  consultancy  services,  shares  the  years and to experience this process not by living
                  knowledge and experience gained from more  it but by observing and hearing it.”
                  than 300 medical device certification processes    “TıbbiCE  Consultancy  Training  and  Valida-
                  of over 100 medical device manufacturers in 8  tion Services offers consulting, training and va-
                  years. TıbbiCE aims to complete the certificati-  lidation services for medical device manufactu-
                  on processes of the companies in a professional  rers both in Turkey and abroad in ISO 13485 and
                  manner and complete them in the optimum time.  CE Certification (93/42 / EEC) processes. 47%
                  Answering questions of Sağlık Dergisi, General  of our 2018 endorsements were consultancy and
                  Manager Gökhan Yalçın said that the most im-     training activities that we perform abroad, and
                  portant feature that distinguishes them from ot-  TıbbiCE has broke a new ground in Turkey. Tıb-
                  her  consultancy  companies is to offer Quality  biCE Consultancy Training and Validation Servi-
                  Management  System  and  Product  Certification  ces, formed with 10 personnel which are expert
                  Consultancy to Medical Device Manufacturers  in their field  containing biologists, biomedical,
                  without breaking the energy of the whole staff.  machine, metallurgical and medical engineers, is
                  Yalçın also stated that the first transition years  a company that has Turkey’s largest expert squad
                  of the new European Medical Device Regulation  and runs only Medical Device Certification Con-
                  (MDR) would be relatively difficult and said, “I  sultancy activities.”

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