Page 226 - Mart 2019
P. 226


             Ceka Medikal

              Dünya Pazarında Kendini

              Kanıtlamış Arix Sternal Sistem’i

              Türkiye Pazarına Sundu

                     Ceka Medikal, bünyesine en son
                   dahil ettiği, kalp damar cerrahisinde
                   sternum kemiğinin sabitlenmesinde
                    kullanılan Jeil medikal’e ait Arix
                     sternal sistem diye adlandırılan
                  ürünü Türkiye pazarına sundu. Ceka
                    Medikal Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı
                     Çetin Karataş, Dünyada kendini
                   kanıtlamış bu ürün ile 2019 yılında
                      Türkiye pazarına hızlı bir giriş
                  yaptıklarını ifade ederek, “Arix sternal
                    sistem ürünümüz ile ilgili bizim en
                   güçlü noktamız ürünün güvenilirliği
                   olmuştur. Dünya pazarında kendini
                    ispatlamış bir ürün. Ceka medikal
                      olarak kalite merkezli, dürüst
                     ve güvenilir bir hizmet ilkesiyle,
                   sloganımız olan “yenilikçi çözümler”
                    sunmak amacıyla daha uzun yıllar
                  sağlık sektörüne hizmet etmek bizi çok
                          mutlu edecektir.” dedi.
                                                                                                            Çetin Karataş

          Ceka Medikal Presented Arix Sternal System Which Has

          Proven Itself in World Market, to Turkey Market

            Ceka  Medikal  presented  the  Jeil  Me-  Ceka Medikal which was established in   use of the advantages of these in the he-
          dical’s product called Arix Sternal System   2016 and its main Office located in İzmir,   alth sector.  Karataş who stated that having
          which is used in stabilization of the ster-  continues its activities as the only authori-  different  groups  of  products,  strengthens
          num bone in cardiovascular surgery, to the   zed distributor of the German firms Ceatec   themselves every day, said “ We serve to
          Turkish  Market.  Ceka  Medikal  Chairman   Medizintechnik  and  Innovations  Medical   all surgical departments with our product
          of  Board  Çetin  Karataş,  stated  that  they   Group and also the Korean Company Jeil   group which contains surgical instruments.
          made a quick entrance to Turkish Market in   Medical, in Turkey. In addition to distribu-  We  are  working  with  central  sterilization
          2019 with this product which proved itself   torship activities, Ceka Medikal also serves   units  of  private  and  public  hospitals  in
          in the World and said, “Our strongest point   as a manufacturer with its partners which   Turkey. We supply the sterilization conta-
          regarding our Arix sternal system product,   their central offices are located in Germany.  iners and sterilization baskets used in the
          has been the reliability of the product. It is   Ceka  Medikal  Director  of  Board  Çetin   central sterilization units (CSU). We have
          a proven product in the World market. As   Karataş  who  answered  the  questions  of   entered into a quick work with our product
          Ceka Medikal, it will be our pleasure to ser-  Sağlık Dergisi, said that although they are   called Arix sternal system, which is the la-
          ve the health sector for many years with a   a young company, his entire team has de-  test included in our structure. We will con-
          quality centered, honest and reliable servi-  veloped itself in the medical field for many   centrate more on this product and it makes
          ce principle, to offer “Innovative Solutions”   years, so that their company has at least 15   us very happy to have a quick introduction
          which is our motto.”                 years of experience and they make a good   to the Turkish market within 2019 year.”

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