Page 99 - Sağlık Dergisi Kasım 2019
P. 99
haber S ğlık
Katsan, Ameliyat İpliğinde 40 Yıllık Tecrübesi İle
40’tan Fazla Ülkeye İhracat Gerçekleştiriyor
Katsan San. ve Tic. A.Ş. 40
yıllık deneyimi ile emilebilen ve
emilmeyen ameliyat ipliklerinin
tüm çeşitlerini üretiyor. 40’tan fazla
ülkeye ihracat gerçekleştiren Katsan,
hem ülke ihtiyaçlarını karşılıyor
hem de ülke ekonomisine önemli
katkı sunuyor. Sağlık Dergisi’nin
sorularını cevaplayan Katsan
Genel Müdürü Oğul Çizmecigil,
dinamik ve yenilikçi ekipleri
sayesinde ürün ve proje geliştirme
konusunda müşterileri ile son
derece başarılı çalışmalar yapmaya
devam ettiklerini ifade ederek,
“Uzun vadeli büyüme stratejisini
hazırlarken sadece ‘bilimsel
verilere dayanarak, bilimin ışığında
yürümek’ ilkesini benimsemiş olan
fi rmamız hedefl erini adım adım
yakalamaktadır. Kendi üretimimizi
yapmanın getirdiği esneklik ve
40 yıllık tecrübemiz ile geniş
ürün yelpazemizi tüm cerrah ve
hemşirelerimize en kaliteli şekilde
Oğul Çizmecigil
sunuyoruz.” diyor.
Katsan exports to more than 40 countries
with 40 years of experience in surgical thread
Katsan INC. produces all kinds of surgical threads that can and are not absorbed with 40 years of experience. Katsan
exports to more than 40 countries and both meets the needs of the country and makes a significant contribution to
the country’s economy.
Answering the questions of The Health Magazin, Katsan General Manager Oğul Çizmecigil, dynamic and innovati-
ve teams, thanks to the product and project development continues to work with customers expressed, “Long-term
Our company, which has adopted the principle of ‘walking in the light of science based on scientific data, is meeting
its targets step by step’ while preparing its growth strategy. With the flexibility of making our own production and
40 years of experience, we offer our wide range of products to all our surgeons and nurses in the highest quality.”
Oğul Çizmecigil: “Katsan produces all kinds of surgical threads that can be absorbed and not absorbed. Surgical threads
production is the main activity issue since the establishment of our company and will be at the center of our producti-
on in the future. Katsan, which will continue to spend all its energy on this product group, continues to produce with its
stakeholders with a higher quality and innovative production approach. The mesh, which is not absorbed next to the
dairy, aims to look at the production of medical devices from a wider perspective by adding semi-absorbable mesh and
bleeding stoppers to the product portfolio. In addition, our efforts to produce or develop different medical devices in our
own facilities by developing special projects with our customers continue surges day by day. Thanks to the dynamic and
innovative team we have, we continue to work very successfully with our customers in product and project development.”
2019 Kasım / 95