Page 93 - Sağlık Dergisi Kasım 2019
P. 93
haber S ğlık
Genel Müdür Ernas Uca:
”Diaclinica’nın En Büyük Hedefi
Dışa Bağımlılığı Bitirmek”
General Manager Ernas Uca:
“Diaclinica’s Biggest Goal is to End
External Dependence”
Diaclinica Diagnostic Chemical Company, which has a high quality and
comprehensive product range in the fields of biochemistry, hema-
tology, ISE and wash reagents, contributes to the country’s eco-
nomy by exporting to more than 20 countries as well as creating
job opportunities.
Ernas Uca, General Manager of Diaclinica, told the Sağlık Magazine
that a country’s balance of power is based on production, consump-
tion and efficiency, adding, “The more efficient production, the more
solid the foundation of the economy. Domestic and sustainable pro- Biyokimya, hematoloji, ISE ve (wash) yıkama
duction reduces dependence on foreign trade and industry, raising reaktifl eri ve solüsyonları alanlarında kaliteli ve
the country’s prosperity and gaining the status of an independent
state. For us, the same way is production, which means elimina- kapsamlı bir ürün yelpazesine sahip Diaclinica
ting or reducing external dependence,” he said. Diagnostik Kimya San.Tic.Ltd.Şti. 20’den
Diaclinica, which started its activities in the field of diagnostics in fazla ülkeye ihracat gerçekleştirerek hem ülke
Istanbul in 2002, is the manufacturer and supplier of high quality ekonomisine katkı sağlıyor hem de istihdam
diagnostic reagents and kits under the brand name “Bioanalytic” yaratıyor. Sağlık Dergisi’ne açıklamalarda
since 2007. Diaclinica spends more than 40 percent of its revenue bulunan Diaclinica Genel Müdürü Ernas Uca,
on R&D and exports to more than 20 countries. bir ülkenin güç dengesinin üretim, tüketim ve
Ernas Uca: “Our product range offers a comprehensive quality diag-
nostic list in the fields of serology, hematology, ISE (biochemistry), verimlilik üzerine kurulu olduğunu söyleyerek,
washing and biochemistry. We have good experience in certain tech- “Üretim ne kadar verimli olursa ekonominin
nologies used in the production of diagnostic products such as clinical temeli o kadar sağlam bir zemine oturur.
chemistry, ISE, and hematology testing, including washing solutions. Üretimin yerli ve sürdürülebilir olması ise
Starting out in 2007 with a team of 9 people, our company has reac-
hed a better quality and the number of 40 personnel with in-house ticarette ve sanayide dışa bağımlılığı azaltarak
and out-of-company trainings until 2019, and our family is growing ülkenin refah seviyesini yükseltir ve bağımsız
year by year with new incomings who are joining to our family. bir devlet statüsü kazandırır. Bizim için de aynı
şekilde üretim demek dışa bağımlılığı ortadan
kaldırmak veya azaltmak demek.” dedi.
2019 Kasım / 89