Page 60 - Mart 2019
P. 60


                            Cumhurbaşkanlığı Strateji ve Bütçe Başkan Yardımcısı Yılmaz Tuna:
                  “Sağlık Harcamaları 100 Milyar TL’den 2 Katı Artışla

                         200 Milyar TL’ye Yaklaşan Bir Artış Gösterdi”

                                   2019 yılının ilk TÜSAP Vizyon Toplantısı, Sağlık Finansmanı ana
                               teması ile Medipol Üniversitesinin ev sahipliğinde yapıldı. Sağlık har-
                               camaları gündemiyle yapılan toplantıda Cumhurbaşkanlığı Strateji ve
                               Bütçe Başkan Yardımcısı Yılmaz Tuna, 2003 yılından günümüze sağlık
                                    harcamalarının iki kat artan bir gelişim gösterdiğini belirtti.

          Vice President of Presidency Strategy and Budget, Yılmaz Tuna:
          “ Health expenditures increased to approximately 200 Billion TL from 100 Billion TL”

            The first TÜSAP vision meeting of 2019 was hosted by  velopment of total health expenditures, including public
         Medipol University with the main theme of health finan-   and private , between 2003 – 2017, we see that health ex-
         cing. Vice President of Presidency Strategy and Budget,  penditures in excess of 192 Billion TL with today’s prices.
         Yılmaz  Tuna  has  stated  that  health  expenditures  have   Yılmaz Tuna stated that Since 2003, the health expen-
         progressively increased as twice since 2003, at the meeting  ditures  increased  by  2  times  than  100  billion  TL,  indi-
         which was health with the agenda of health expenditures. cating an increase of  200 billion TL, and said that the
            The leaders of health sector met at the İstanbul Me-   proportion of health expenditures to GDP was 9 percent
         dipol University for IX. TÜSAP Vision Meeting, on Fri-    in  OECD  countries  and  4.3  in  Turkey.  However,  Tuna
         day, March 1, 2019. ‘Health Financing’ was discussed at  who pointed out that the continuity of this low rate below
         the first TÜSAP meeting of 2019, which Vice President of  the OECD average is not possible, sorted the reasons as;
         Presidency Strategy and Budget, Yılmaz Tuna attended as  increase in city hospitals, increase in medical staff and
         main speaker.                                             expenditures, developments in health Technologies, inc-
            In the meeting which health expenditures stand out as  rease in expenditure of treatments, dissemination of in-
         headline, Vice President of Presidency Strategy and Bud-  dividual treatment methods and increasing in population
         get Yılmaz Tuna, expressed that considering monetary de-  rate of elder people.

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