Page 64 - Mart 2019
P. 64
Sağlık Bakanlığı,
HIMSS ile 5 Yıllık Yeni İşbirliğine İmza Attı
Sağlık Bakan Yardımcısı Dr. Şuayip Birinci, ABD Orlando şehrinde düzenlenen HIMSS19
organizasyonuna katıldı. Sağlık Bakanlığı, “dijital” ve “kağıtsız” hastane kavramını oluştur-
mak ve yaygınlaştırmak amacıyla hastanelerde IT kullanımı hakkında uluslararası ölçekte
akreditasyon sağlayan HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society)
Avrupa organizasyonu ile beş yıllık yeni bir işbirliğine imza attı. Protokol, Sağlık Bakan Yar-
dımcısı Dr. Şuayip Birinci ile HIMSS CEO’su Harold Wolf arasında imzalandı. İmza törenine
Sağlık Bakanlığından ve HIMSS organizasyondan yetkililer de katıldı.
Ministry of Health signs new 5-year cooperation with HIMSS
Deputy Minister of Health Şuayip Birinci participa- ferred to the digital environment so the hospitals are pa-
ted in HIMSS19 organization held in Orlando, USA. per-free, time and space-independent access to the data
The Ministry of Health has signed a new five-year co- and speed and quality is provided to the diagnosis and
operation with HIMSS (Healthcare Information and treatment services.
Management Systems Society) European organization, Within the scope of the first protocol signed between
which provides international accreditation on the use the Ministry of Health and HIMSS in 2013, many pub-
of IT in hospitals to create and promote the “digital” lic hospitals were included in these evaluations within
and “paperless” hospital concept. The protocol signed five years. Turkey, in this context, has come a long way
between Deputy Minister of Health Dr. Şuayip Birinci in digitalization. In the project which started with 1 hos-
and HIMSS CEO Harold Wolf. Officials from the Mi- pital in 2013 with HIMSS EMRAM Level 6 certifica-
nistry of Health and HIMSS organization attended the te, as of 2018, a total of 169 hospitals received HIMSS
signing ceremony. EMRAM Level 6 certification. Turkey which now has a
With the agreement, it is aimed at continuing the total of 162 hospitals with cancellations, is the country
implementation of the expanded work in state hospi- who have most 6-level-hospitals in Europe. While 31
tals in Turkey. Within the scope of the protocol made hospitals in Europe have reached Level 6, the number
with HIMSS, all the procedures in hospitals are trans- of hospitals in Turkey is 5 times more than in Europe.
62 Mart 2019