Page 96 - Mart 2019
P. 96


                                             Teknopark Sayısı 83’e

                     Teknopark Bulunan Şehir Sayısı 55’e Yükseldi

                   Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ın imzaladığı kararname ile Hatay ve Giresun’a iki
                yeni teknopark kuruldu. Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanan kararname ile ilgili sosyal medya hesa-
                 bından açıklama yapan Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanı Mustafa Varank, “Söz verdik, yapıyoruz.
               Sayın Cumhurbaşkanımızın Hatay ve Giresun’a verdiği Teknopark sözünü yerine getirdik. Tek-
               nopark sayımız 83’e, Teknopark bulunan şehir sayımız 55’e yükseldi. İki yeni teknoparkımızla
               Ar-Ge ve yenilik ekosistemimiz artık daha güçlü.” ifadelerini kullandı. Türkiye’deki teknopark-
                ların 63’ünde Ar-Ge ve inovasyon faaliyetleri aktif olarak yürütülürken, diğerlerinde inşaat ve
                                               yapılaşma süreçleri devam ediyor.

          Technopark Number Has Risen to 83, the Number of Cities with Technopark Has Risen to 55

            Two  new  technoparks  were  establis-  now  stronger  with  our  two  new  techno-  in Turkey, the number of technoparks whi-
          hed in Hatay and Giresun with the decree  parks.’’In 63 technoparks of Turkey,R&D  ch contribute to the innovation and tech-
          signed  by  President  Recep  Tayyip  Erdo-  and innovation activities actively perfor-  nology ecosystem, is steadily growing.
          ğan.  Related  to  the  decree  published  in  ms, in others, construction and struction   In this context, applications of İsken-
          the Official Gazette,  Minister of Industry  processes continue.            derun  Technical  University  and  Giresun
          and  Technology  Mustafa  Varank  has    University-industry  cooperation  is  Technology  Development  Zones,  which
          made a statement from his social media  very important for Turkish industry to be  were  recently  declared  by  President  Er-
          account. Varank said ‘‘we gave a promise,  export-oriented and competitive in inter-  doğan,  were  handled  by  the  Assessing
          we keep our promise. We have fulfilled the  national markets. Thus academic knowle-  Authority  on  February  21th.  Subsequent
          Technopark  promise  which  given  by  the  dge leads to new technologies, and these  to approval of the Board, the decree of the
          President to Hatay and Giresun. Our tech-  technologies lead to the development of  President about  the establishment of te-
          nopark number has risen to 83, the num-  new products.                      chnopark in Iskenderun and Giresun has
          ber of cities with Technopark has risen to   In  accordance  to  this  purpose,while  published in the Official Gazette on Feb-
          55. Our R&D and innovation ecosystem is  forming  Technology  Development  Zones  ruary 28th.

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