Page 100 - Mart 2019
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                           T-LAB, Paris’te Düzenlenen IMCAS’a

                          3 Yıl Üst Üste Katılan Tek Türk Firma

                                          Olarak Yine Yerini Aldı

                                                              T-LAB, Took Its Place Again as the Only Turkish
                                                              Company That Participated in 3 Consecutive
                              T-LAB, geçtiğimiz Ocak          Years to IMCAS Which is Held in Paris
                             ayı sonunda, Fransa’nın
                         başkenti Paris’te düzenlenen,           T-LAB took its place again as the only Turkish company who
                          dünyanın en prestijli Estetik       participated 3 consecutive years in a Congress called the IMCAS
                        Plastik Cerrahi ve Dermatoloji        (International Master Course on Aging Science), one of the wor-
                             Kongrelerinden biri olan         ld’s most prestigious aesthetic Plastic surgery and Dermatology
                                                              congresses, held in Paris, the capital of France. As it is known,
                         IMCAS (International Master          T-LAB developed the first real PRP Kit of Turkey and is expor-
                           Course on Ageing Science)          ting this product to 35 countries. A special session of the quality
                          isimli kongrede 3 yıl üst üste      of plasma obtained by PRP in the field of regenerative medicine
                         katılan tek Türk firma olarak        was also carried out within the scope of the IMCAS. Timur Veysel
                       yine yerini aldı. Bilindiği üzere,     Doğruok, General Manager of T-LAB, took its place again as a
                        T-LAB, Türkiye’nin ilk gerçek         speaker in the scientific program of IMCAS 2019. He shared with
                                                              the World the results of Micro/Nano Fat graft product named
                            PRP Kit’ini geliştirdi ve 35      Microlyzer, which achieved outstanding results in R & D studies
                          ülkeye bu ürünün ihracatını         and outputs achieved as a result of obtaining SVF as advanced
                           gerçekleştiriyor. Rejeneratif      protocols.
                            Tıp alanında; PRP ile elde           At IMCAS, which is known as a congress that is growing and
                       edilen plazma sıvısının ne denli       discussing the latest scientific data in its field, the representatives
                         kaliteli olduğuna dair özel bir      of T-LAB have gained a stronger place this year and introduced
                                                              their technologies and innovations to physicians in the world.
                          seans da IMCAS bünyesinde              As it is known, T-LAB developed the first real PRP Kit of Tur-
                               gerçekleştirildi. T-LAB        key and is exporting this product to 35 countries. A special session
                          Genel Müdürü Timur Veysel           of the quality of plasma obtained by PRP in the field of regenera-
                        Doğruok IMCAS 2019 bilimsel           tive medicine was also carried out within the scope of the IMCAS.
                         programında yine konuşmacı           T-LAB participated in this session as a special guest, among the
                             olarak yerini aldı. Ar-Ge        world’s most important and guiding firms which are specialists
                                                              on PRP. In a study on the quality of PRP obtained in the light
                        çalışmalarında üstün sonuçlar         of scientific data, 9 firms provided PRP with blood taken from a
                         elde ettikleri Microlyzer isimli     single patient, and T-LAB provided very good results. The most
                       mikro/nano yağ grefti ürünü ve          important feature of the session is that, in this study conducted
                      ileri protokoller olarak SVF elde          by Dr. Jeremy Magalon, equal conditions were provided to 9
                         edilimi sonucunda ulaştıkları              companies and no sponsored event was allowed.
                          sonuçları dünyayla paylaştı.

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