Page 163 - Mart 2019
P. 163
Elektro-Mag, Turkey’s First Medical And Laboratory Equipments
Manufacturer Exports to 65 Countries
Medical, laboratory equipments and industrial furnaces manufacturer Elektro-mag is established in 1968 in İstan-
bul. Operating with its nearly 100 employees and with customers worldwide Elektro-mag, shares a favourable reputati-
on in both Turkish and International market place with its distributors and exports to more than 65 countries. Elekt-
ro-Mag Director of Board Demir Carda who made statements to Sağlık Dergisi, said that Elektro-Mag will always
continue to take responsibility to manufacture the scientific and advanced equipments in Turkey, “it has always been
very important for us to continue to manufacture equipment which meet the expectations and targets of our customers
by applying quality standards and necessary controls from the first phases of production until the delivery.”
Operating with its nearly 100 emplo- Furnaces ced equipments within Turkey.
yees and with customers worldwide Elekt- 3- Industrial Drying Ovens Can you give information about
ro-mag, shares a favourable reputation in What distinguishes these products your domestic and foreign marketing
both Turkish and International market from similar products? strategies and activities? Which count-
place with its distributors and exports to Elektro-mag’s variety of good quality ries do you export to?
more than 65 countries. Elektro-Mag Di- products and geographical location enab- Both domestic and international mar-
rector of Board Demir Carda who made le Elektro-mag to serve different markets ket places have been always very im-
statements to Sağlık Dergisi, said that with superior shipping advantages. portant for Elektro-mag to continue to
Elektro-Mag exports to 65 countries from What are the points you pay attention manufacture equipment which meet the
around the World and they look forward to in the production stages? expectations and targets of our customers
enter into new territories within the near There are indispensable aspects related by applying quality standards and neces-
future. to Elektro-mag’s production. At Elekt- sary controls from the first phases of pro-
Can you give us brief information ro-mag’s manufacturing facility we aim duction until the delivery and to keep the
about the products you have produced? to safeguard a safe and good working en- continuous satisfaction of our customers
What do you produce? vironment for everyone who works with at highest level possible by giving high
Elektro-mag manufactures and distri- us. Secondly we make sure to care and quality after sales support.
butes following 3 categories of products never harm the environment. Thirdly we Elektro-mag exports to 65 countries
in its Istanbul facility. always make sure to produce our produ- around the world and looks forward to
1- Medical Products cts according to European standards and enter into new territories within the near
Sterilizers regulations. future.
Electrosurgical Units What does production mean to you Do you do R & D and new produ-
Neonatal Equipments (Infant Warmers/ and our country? ct studies? Can you give information
Phototherapy Equipments/Baby’s Cots ) Elektro-mag is proudly Turkey’s first about your R & D team and activities?
Negatoscopes medical and laboratory products manufac- Research and Development had been
Laboratory Equipments, turer therefore it is important to emphasise one of very important and responsible
Incubators (Standard and Cooling ) that since 51 years we have been manu- departments of Elektro-mag since at least
Laboratory Ovens facturing and we owe the richness of our last ten years. Elektro-mag’s effective and
Centrifuges (PRP / CGF / General product range to the request and valuable dynamic R&D team feels the responsibi-
Purpose / Haematocrit / Refrigerated ) feedbacks we received from our respectful lity of developing new products upon need
Fume Hoods, Laminar Flows Turkish Universities since the early times of world health and laboratory markets.
Bacteriological Water Baths, Steam of Elektro-mag. Finally, is there anything you want
and Sand Baths Elektro-mag always recognized and to add?
Water Stills will continiue to undertake responsibility Elektro-mag would like to thank all its
Mixers, Stirrers to manufacture the scientific and advan- customers for their continious trust…
Mart 2019 161