Page 139 - Sağlık Dergisi Kasım 2019
P. 139 TAS TOS
clinical chemistry & research solutions
3. Generation Total Antioxidant Status Total Oxidant Status
Research & Clinical Chemistry Assay Kits Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species are produced in metabolic a sample is measured, and this is called total antioxidant capacity
and physiological processes, measurement of the combined
(TAC), total antioxidant activity (TAA), total antioxidant power
nonenzymatic antioxidant capacity of biological fluids and other (TAOP), total antioxidant status (TAS), total antioxidant
samples provides an indication of the overall capability to response(TAR), or other synonyms.
counteract reactive oxygen species (ROS). Under certain
conditions, the increase in oxidants and decrease in antioxidants Serum (or plasma) concentrations of different oxidant species can
Total Antioxidant Status Assay Kit Native Thiol Status Assay Kit cannot be prevented, and the oxidative stress or in over 100 be measured in laboratories separately, but the measurements are
TAS -SH NEW disorders, develops time-consuming, labor-intensive and costly and require
complicated techniques. Since the measurement of different
Antioxidant molecules prevent or inhibit these harmful reactions oxidant molecules separately is not practical and their oxidant
Total Oxidant Status Assay Kit Dynamic Disulfide Status Serum (or plasma) concentrations of different antioxidants can be effects are additive, the total oxidant status (TOS) of a sample is
TOS -S-S NEW measured in laboratories separately, but the measurements are measured and this is named total peroxide (TP), serum oxidation
time-consuming, labor-intensive, costly, and require complicated activity (SOA), reactive oxygen metabolites (ROM) or some other
techniques. Because the measurement measurement of different synonyms.
Oxidative Stress Index Total Thiol Status Assay Kit antioxidant molecules separately is not practical and their
OSI -SH NEW antioxidant effects are not additive, the total antioxidant capacity of Princible of the Assay
• First and unique kit which reagents, calibrators and QC Components Components Zinc found in the samples change the red-o
materials are liquid and stable. 548 nm is proportional to total zinc level
Paraoxonase Assay Kit Zinc Assay Kit R1 (Buffer) 1 x 30 ml R1 (Buffer) 1 x 30 ml
PON1 Zn NEW • Ready to use R2 (ABTS Radical Cation) 1 x 8 ml R2 (ABTS Radical Cation) 1 x 8 ml
• Colorimetric (660 nm) Standard 1 x 4 ml TOS Test Principle Standard 1 x 4 ml
Arylesterase Assay Kit Copper Assay Kit • Total Antioxidant Status Direct Measurement Kit QC Level 1 1 x 4 ml QC Level 1 1 x 4 ml
ARES Cu NEW • Fully automated and manually measurement options QC Level 2 1 x 4 ml Oxidants present in the sample oxidize the ferrous ion–chelator QC Level 2 1 x 4 ml
complex to ferric ion. The oxidation reaction is prolonged by enhancer
• Long lifetimes of the reagents, calibrators and QC materials molecules, which are abundantly present in the reaction medium. The Sensitive and accurate
ferric ion makes a colored complex with chromogen in an acidic
• Suitable for serum, plasma, body fluids and tissue samples medium. The color intensity, which can be measured Fast and convenient
Ischemia Modified Albumin Phosphorus (Inorganic) TAS Test Principle spectrophotometrically, is related to the total amount of oxidant • First and unique kit which reagents and
IMA P NEW • Suitable for plants, nutrients and oil extracts molecules present in the sample. The assay is calibrated with calibrators are liquid and stable. High reagent stability and versatili
• High analytical performance charecteristics Antioxidants in the sample reduce dark blue-green colored ABTS hydrogen peroxide and the results are expressed in terms of Low interference in biological sampl
radical to colorless reduced ABTS form. The change of absorbance micromolar hydrogen peroxide equivalent per liter (µmol • Ready to use
Nadp-Dependent Isocitrate Dehyrogenase • High precision at 660 nm is related with total antioxidant level of the sample. The H2O2Equiv./L) Easy to apply simple procedure
NADP-IDH NEW • High linearity assay is calibrated with a stable antioxidant standard solution which • Colorimetric (530 nm)
ISO ISO ISO OHSAS is traditionally named as Trolox Equivalent that is a vitamin E analog .
9001 14001 13485 18001 • High sensitivity • Total Oxidant Status Direct Measurement Kit Automated, colorimetric (548nm)
• Fully automated and manually measurement options Measuring in variety of samples
Nitric Oxide • Long lifetimes of the reagents and calibrators
NO UD • Suitable for serum, heparinized plasma, body
C O N T A C T Generation Comparison Table Oxidative Stress Index (OSI)
Mücahitler Mahallesi 52012 Nolu Cadde Rel Assay TAS fluids and tissue samples
No:10/1 Şehitkamil/Gaziantep/Türkiye 1. Generation 2. Generation 3. Generation TAS TOS • High analytical performance charecteristics [Precision]
Phone: +90 342. 230 37 52 Reagents Lyophilized Liquid Liquid
Fax: +90 342. 220 49 87 Reagent Life Short Medium Long (1 Year) • High precision Intra-assay was determined on 30 replica
e-mail: Calibrators Lyophilized Lyophilized Liquid • High linearity controls. The %CV results were 2.32 and
Calibrator Life Short Short Long (1 Year)
QC Materials Lyophilized Lyophilized Liquid • High sensitivity results were 3.54.
QC Material Life Short Short Long (1 Year) • Available of lipoprotein oxidation reaction curve
Tissue working Interference OK OK OSI
Linearity Low High High
OSI is a new indicator for oxidative stress.
To determine OSI, TAS and TOS levels measured and the results
placed in the following table.
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