Page 137 - Sağlık Dergisi Kasım 2019
P. 137

haber S ğlık

            Rel Assay Diagnostics Marka Oksidatif Stres Kitleriyle

                       Yapılan Yayın Sayısında Dünya Lideri Oldu

                 MEGA TIP San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. Rel Assay Diagnostics Marka Total Antioksidan marka Status ve Total
                 Oksidan Status kitleri ile yapılan yayın sayısında dünya lideri oldu. Sağlık Dergisi’ne açıklamalarda
               bulunan MEGA TIP Genel Müdürü Yasin Yolcu, bu yayınlarla Türkiye’nin ileri teknoloji üretim imajını
                arttırdıklarını söyleyerek, “yayınlarda ülkemizin adı geçiyor. Ülkemizin yüksek teknoloji üretim imajını
                 arttırdık. Bu sayede, hem yüksek teknoloji üretim imajı sağlıyoruz hem de ülkemizin tanıtımına ciddi
                     katkı veriyoruz. Bu durum ekonomik bir değer ile ölçülemeyecek kadar büyük bir iştir.” dedi.

                          Rel Assay Diagnostics Brand Oxidative Stress Kits

                          Becomes a World Leader in The Number of Publications

                          MEGA TIP San. Tic. Ltd. Rel Assay Diagnostics brand has become the world leader in the number of publications
                          made with Total Antioxidant brand Status and Total Oxidant Status kits. Yasin Yolcu, General Manager of MEGA
                          TIP, told Health Magazine that these publications have increased Turkey’s high-tech production image, adding,
                          “The name of our country is mentioned in the publications. We have increased the image of high-tech producti-
                          on of our country. In this way, we provide a high-tech production image and make a serious contribution to the
                          promotion of our country. This is too big a job to be measured with an economic value,” he said.
                          MEGA TIP Rel Assay Diagnostics exports Brand Total Antioxidant Status and Total Oxidant Status kits to a total
                          of 52 countries and makes a significant contribution to the country’s economy. In addition, by succeeding in being
                          the world leader in the number of publications made in this field, it increases the image of our country to produ-
                          ce advanced technology and makes an important contribution to the promotion of our country.
                          YasinYolcu, who stated that they exported to 52 countries in total, said that they were the first company to rece-
                          ive FDA approval in this field, adding, “We received FDA Certificate seine for some of our kits. One of the quality
                          certificates of the products produced is, and even the most important,FDA. We are the first company to receive
                          this certificate. It is also important for our image that the countries we export to are the most developed count-
                          ries in the world. America, Japan, South Korea, England, Germany, France, Netherlands Taiwan, such as the most
                          developed countries in the world, especially 52 countries have exported.” Said

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