Page 76 - Mart 2019
P. 76
Domestic Manufacturer Megasan Leave Its’ Mark on to City Hospitals, Pride of Turkey
MEGASAN A.Ş., a manufacturer of medical gas tements to Sağlık Dergisi told that their products
systems that proudly represent our country in do- are especially designed ergonomical and functional
mestic production, has once again revealed its qu- and said, “We take responsibility at every stage on
ality and preferability to be included as a supplier city hospitals, like all other works we have been in-
or sub-contractor in most of the city hospitals in volved so far; from the production of our products
our country, the project of the Century. Chairman to the installation, from maintenance to technical
of Board Arif Çelikten who made statements to Sağ- support. This holistic service package is one of our
lık Dergisi said, “As MEGASAN A.Ş.; we are plea- greatest advantages that sets our difference. The
sed to be preferred in large-scale projects such as competence we have in our field has been documen-
city hospitals, with the power and expertise we have ted with national and international organizations.”
in the fields of engineering, production, assembly, As MEGASAN A.Ş.; we are pleased to be pre-
pre-sales and post-service quality. We are at the fo- ferred in large-scale projects such as city hospitals,
refront in the sector with our products that are less with the power and expertise we have in the fiel-
energy consuming, more environmentally friendly, ds of engineering, production, assembly, pre-sales
advanced technology and ergonomic and functio- and post-service quality. In terms of urban health
nal designs aiming to increase health quality. We and public health, MEGASAN A.Ş. products, which
care that our products are aesthetically reflecting are to be used in city hospitals which are the most
itself in the best way.” important investment of our country so far, are the
Chairman of Board Arif Çelikten who made sta- value and quality that human health deserves.
74 Mart 2019