Page 209 - Mart 2019
P. 209
Aygün Cerrahi Aletler A.Ş. İs Preparing for a New
Production Attack With The Experience of 30 Years
Aygün Cerrahi Aletler A.Ş. which exports to more room lighting systems and medical disposables,
than 100 countries including United States, China exports approximately %70 of its production.
and European Countries, aims to build the biggest Mehmet Aygün, Chairman of the Board of Directors
sterilization center of Black Sea and start producti- of Aygün Surgical Instruments Inc., who commented
on of disposable products in sterilised packages and on Sağlık Dergisi regarding investment plans and the
medical devices in the field of dental treatment which state of the sector said that they are doing most of
is based on imported devices 99 percent. Aygün Cer- their exports to European countries “We export to
rahi Aletler A.Ş. Director of Board Mehmet Aygün who more than 100 countries including America and Chi-
states that they are the first and only company which na. In our sector, especially in recent years due to the
produce surgical motors with European standards in rapid development of technology, we are giving more
Turkey said, “Our goal is to raise our employee num- priorities to high technology products. Our products
ber to 1000 in 5 years with our current investments have reached equal or higher levels with our European
and new investments that we plan to do in future. In competitors thanks to our R&D investments.
this way, we want to contribute to employment and Motor systems from our product groups are used
country economy more. We believe every factory is a in most of the surgical branches. With the use of the-
fortress and we strive hard to be useful for our home- se devices, the operations are completed much fas-
land and its people.” ter, the success level of the surgeries is increasing
Aygün Cerrahi Aletler A.Ş. which is one of the le- and the anesthesia times of the patients are also
ader establishments of Turkey in medical industry , decreased. Main areas of use are Neurosurgery, ort-
began its activities in 1988. Currently, it makes its hopedics, cardiovascular, ENT and plastic surgery
production in a 8000 m2 closed area with 240 emp- operations. Different devices are used for all surgical
loyees. The company which produces surgical motor operations. Our company is capable to respond to all
systems, sterilization container systems, operating these needs.”
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