Page 118 - Mart 2019
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                              TÜBA Uluslararası Akademi Ödülleri

                           2019 Yılı Aday Gösterme Süreci Başladı

                    TÜBA’nın bilim insanlarını teşvik ve takdir misyonu kapsamında ihdas ettiği Uluslararası TÜBA
                   Akademi Ödülleri’ne 2019 yılı için başlayan aday gösterme süreci 7 Mayıs 2019’a kadar sürecek.
                 Cumhurbaşkanlığı himayesinde Cumhurbaşkanlığı Külliyesi’nde düzenlenen törenle, TÜBA-GEBİP
                  ve TESEP ödülleriyle birlikte, sahiplerine tevcih edilen “TÜBA Akademi Ödülleri” bütün bilim in-
                 sanlarına açık ve her yıl Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri, Sağlık ve Yaşam Bilimleri ve Sosyal ve Beşeri
                    Bilimler olmak üzere üç kategoride aday gösterilenlere her kategoride bir ödül olarak veriliyor.

                    TÜBA (Turkey Academy of Sciences)

                    International Academy Awards

                    2019 Nomination Process Has Started

                       The nomination process for the 2014 TÜBA Aca-  with a ceremony held at the Presidential Complex
                    demy Awards, which TÜBA has established within  under the auspices of the Presidency, is given as a
                    the scope of its mission of encouraging and promo-  reward on 3 main categories to its nominees, one
                    ting scientists will continue to until 7th May 2019.  reward for each category such as Science and En-
                    TÜBA Academy Awards which is given to its’ ow-  gineering Sciences, Health and Life Sciences and
                    ners along with TÜBA-GEBİP and TESEP awards  Social and Human Sciences and awards are open
                    with a ceremony held at the Presidential Complex  to all scientists. TÜBA 2018 Academy Awards were
                    under the auspices of the Presidency, is given as a  awarded to Bold Luvsandorj Member of the Hun-
                    reward on 3 main categories to its nominees, one  garian  Academy of Sciences and Viorel Panaite
                    reward for each category such as Science and En-  Professor at the University of Bucharest in Social
                    gineering Sciences, Health and Life Sciences and  and  Human  Sciences  category;  to  Fatih  Mehmet
                    Social and Human Sciences and awards are open  Uçkun University of Minnesota Faculty Member in
                    to all scientists.                             Health and Life Sciences category and to Jackie Y.
                       TÜBA Academy Awards which is given to its’ ow-  Ying from Singapore NanoBio Laboratory in Scien-
                    ners along with TÜBA-GEBİP and TESEP awards  ce and Engineering Sciences category.

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