Page 125 - Sağlık Dergisi Kasım 2019
P. 125
haber S ğlık
Dünya Rejeneratif Tıp Bilimi’nin İlerleyişi ve
Ülkemizden Bir Firma: T-LAB
T-LAB, Rejeneratif Tıp alanında dünyanın öncü fi rmalarından olmaya devam
ediyor. Türkiye’nin ilk yerli PRP Kit ürününü üretip, dünyanın yaklaşık 40 ülkesinde
hekimlerle buluşturan T-LAB, yeni ürünü Microlyzer’ı yakın zaman önce tanıttı.
The Progress of World Regenerative
Medical Science and a Company from Our Country: T-LAB
T-LAB continues to be one of the world’s leading companies in regenerative medicine. T-LAB, which produces Turkey’s
first domestic PRP Kit product and brings it together with physicians in nearly 40 countries around the world, recent-
ly introduced its new product Microlyzer
Microlyzer, which works with adipose tissue, seems to provide superior success in both the cushioning task of fat tis-
sue as a filling and regeneration treatments. T-LAB’s partners Timur Veysel Doğruok and Salih Özovalı developed and
applied for international patents with cell insulation protocol and microlyzer product; Without any enzyme require-
ments, he has managed to exceed the numbers obtained by studies conducted so far.
In in-vitro studies conducted in collaboration with pioneering laboratories in the field, T-LAB found that the mesen-
chyal stem cell numbers, which have reached sVF units that have not yet been reached in fresh adipose tissue samp-
les and have the potential to differentiate, are much more showed a high potential. T-LAB executives, the validati-
on work of these censuses continued, our country will get the place it deserves in the field of regenerative medicine,
stressed that they are full of faith.
T-LAB also shared its results with expert scientists in this field, and Timur Veysel Doğruok, who assumed the roles of
Founder and General Manager of T-LAB, was invited to the Board of Directors of the International Association of Stem
Cell and Regenerative Medicine.
2019 Kasım / 121